Term 1 Update
Hello to the students and families of Room 27! We have had a busy first few weeks settling into the routines of Year Three and our new classroom. Thank you to the parents and caregivers who came along to the recent Information Evening. It was wonderful to see some familiar faces in the room, and to meet some new ones! I hope you found it informative and I look forward to teaching your children this year.
Firstly, I would like to say a big congratulations to Olivia and Azhaf for being nominated as our Student Councillors for Semester One. We look forward to having you represent our class!
This term, we will be focusing on covering key concepts in Literacy and Numeracy. The students have been developing their reading comprehension skills, gaining exposure to a variety of texts during our Reading Block. Additionally, we have been learning about spelling, grammar and punctuation.
In Numeracy, we have been focusing on key concepts of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability. Additionally, we have a daily routine of mental mathematics and problem solving.
For Integrated Studies, we will be learning about the following topics: