End of Term Update
Literacy, we have been focusing on key concepts from the curriculum. The
students of Room 27 really enjoy Literacy rotations as it is an excellent way
for them to collaborate with their peers. During these rotations, students have
been developing their reading, spelling, editing for punctuation and
comprehension skills.
Numeracy, we have currently been focusing on learning about time and money. The
students have really enjoyed learning about the real world application of these
skills and why they are so important. To extend on learning about money, the
class bank has been a great incentive!
the students recently completed an exciting project where they researched a
natural feature of Australia. As a class, we learned a lot of interesting facts
about our beautiful country! Room 27 have been very eager to learn all about
locations like Uluru, The Great Barrier Reef and The Pinnacles.
Congratulations to the students that received Merit Certificates at the Senior Assembly this term. You should be very proud of your efforts! Our class also received the School Uniform Award. Well done, everyone!
Wishing you a happy and safe holidays, Room 27! I will see you in Term 2.