
Showing posts from February, 2021

All About Me Presentation

Dear Parents, Next week, your child will be asked to present a 2 - 3 minute speech all about themselves and what makes them special, as part of our Speaking and Listening program. Our class presentations will start on the 3rd of March.   We will be assessing them on their volume, speed, voice, body language, eye contact and their content. We have sent home an "All About Me" sheet for the students to complete before their presentation.  Please see the below timetable for your child’s scheduled speech. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Term 1 Update

Hello to the students and families of Room 27! We have had a busy first few weeks settling into the routines of Year Three and our new classroom. Thank you to the parents and caregivers who came along to the recent Information Evening. It was wonderful to see some familiar faces in the room, and to meet some new ones! I hope you found it informative and I look forward to teaching your children this year. Firstly, I would like to say a big congratulations to Olivia and Azhaf for being nominated as our Student Councillors for Semester One. We look forward to having you represent our class! This term, we will be focusing on covering key concepts in Literacy and Numeracy. The students have been developing their reading comprehension skills, gaining exposure to a variety of texts during our Reading Block. Additionally, we have been learning about spelling, grammar and punctuation.    In Numeracy, we have been focusing on key concepts of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry ...

Literacy Pro

Literacy Pro can be accessed through Scholastic Learning Zone by clicking on the link at the top of the Room 27 blog, or by clicking here . After clicking the link to access Scholastic Learning Zone, students can select 'Australia' as their country. On the following page, students can type in 2w3k as the Org ID and click submit. This will bring them to the login page. All students have their own username and password, these have now been sent home. Through Scholastic Learning Zone, students can access books to read online in 'Literacy Pro Library' and search for quizzes of books they have read in 'Literacy Pro'. 


Welcome to Term 1 in Room 27! Our class blog will contain important messages and information about class programs. Please keep an eye out for updates during the year. Thank you.