Term 4 Update
Hello to the families and students of Room 16!
In Term 4, we have been focusing on revising content that we have covered throughout the year in Literacy and Numeracy. We will also be continuing our Geography focus from last term in HASS, looking at key features of Australia and Oceania. In Science, we have been learning about Earth and Space, focusing on natural and man made materials and the water cycle. In Health, our focus this term has been learning about Protective Behaviours.
This term, our dancing lessons will be held on Thursday before lunch and the end of year Dance Party will be held later in the term. Room 16 will also have Swimming Lessons from 9:00-10:30am every day in Week 7 and 8. Please ensure that students come to school with their bathers, goggles, thongs and towels each day during these two weeks. As we have our lessons first thing in the morning, students are able to come to school wearing their bathers under their uniform and change back into their uniform when we arrive back at school. Please check that all items of clothing are labelled on the tag.
Congratulations to the students that received a Merit Certificate at the Junior Assembly in Week 3. You should be very proud of your achievements!
Miss Pearson is a pre-service teacher from the University of Notre Dame and has completed her first placement in Room 16. We have been very lucky to have her working with us and helping out in the classroom. We wish you all the best on your journey to become a teacher!