Welcome back to Term 3!
Hello to the families and students of
Room 16! Welcome back to Term 3! We have had a very busy few weeks and all
students have been working very hard.
This term, we will continue focusing
on key concepts in English and Mathematics. In Writing, we will be
focusing on planning and writing narrative texts. The stimulus for each week
will be a part of Talk Homework.
The focus for Integrated Studies this term are as follows:
The focus for Integrated Studies this term are as follows:
- Science: Biological Sciences
- Health: Emergencies and safe
storage of poisons and medications
- HASS: Geography
Congratulations to the students who received Merit Certificates in Week 2! You should be very proud of your efforts.
Congratulations to the students who received Merit Certificates in Week 2! You should be very proud of your efforts.
A big thank you to Nema and Matilda
for their hard work as Student Councillors in Semester 1. We are very grateful
to have had such wonderful representatives for our class! Congratulations to
Judah and Ruby for being nominated as our new Student Councillors for Semester
2. We know you will do an outstanding job!
Well done, Matilda
for achieving a Top 5 result in the Year Level Challenge last term.
You are a superstar!
Keep an eye on the blog for future
updates. We have some exciting things coming up this term!