Term 2 Update

Hello to the families and students of Room 16! Here are some photos of what we have been up to in Term 2.

In I.C.T, we have been focusing on Microsoft Word processing skills. The students have been busy typing up their wonderful poetry and learning how to change the font, size and colour of their text.

We have had some wild weather over the past few weeks! The students enjoyed getting creative with the coloured straws and wooden shapes when we had to spend lunch indoors. Here are some of their creations.

In History, we have been learning all about the past and the present. Recently, we completed an inquiry task where the students had to research toys from the past and present. Then, students had to create a toy from the past and justify the choice of materials used in their design. They designed and created their own toy in class, which was a lot of fun! Here are some photos of students who participated in the activity with their design and finished product.

In Big Write, we have been focusing on poetry. This week, students wrote their own acrostic poem about W.A. Day! Before students wrote their poetry, we discussed the history of Western Australia as a class. The students came up with some fantastic ideas about what makes our state so special. 

Keep up the great work, Room 16! Please keep an eye on the blog for future updates.

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