Week 4 Update

Hello to the families and students of Room 16! We have had a very busy start to Term 1, here are some photographs of what we have been up to.

In Mathematics, the students of Room 16 have enjoyed a 'hands on' approach to developing their understanding of key concepts. Recently, we have been looking at place value, expanding numbers, skip counting and identifying the key features of 2D shapes. We are also focusing on mental mathematics and problem solving skills. The students have really enjoyed learning more about how to play Numero and apply mental mathematics skills to the game. A big thank you to Miss Balogh and the Year 6 students from Room 17 for our recent Numero challenge... we look forward to meeting up with you to play again soon!

In Literacy, we have been focusing on nouns, adjectives, punctuation and sentence types. We have also been practising the comprehension skill of inferring to gain meaning from a variety of texts. The students have enjoyed reading like detectives to find clues and make predictions! This term, we will also be learning about the structure of persuasive texts and how to form convincing arguments. Each week, I will post a writing stimulus on the blog so students can begin forming ideas about what they wish to write about. This is a great opportunity to discuss ideas with your child and get some ideas flowing about their opinion. Please note that students are not to write down their ideas or plan their writing, we will do this in class every Thursday.

This term we will also be focusing on History (HASS), Chemical Science (Science and STEM), Resilience and Road Safety (Health) and ICT skills. I will post updates about Integrated Studies as the term progresses, stay tuned!

Well done to Matilda and Nema for being chosen as the Student Councillors for Room 16 this semester, we know you will do an outstanding job!

A fantastic effort to all of our Merit Certificate recipients from the first Junior Assembly, you should be very proud. Great job!

Room 16 was also lucky enough to win the Tidy Bags Award at the first Junior Assembly. The students have been doing a wonderful job to keep our classroom neat and tidy. I am very pleased by the pride and care that all students take to look after our classroom and resources.

Finally, a big thank you to all parents and caregivers who took the time to come to the Room 16 Information Night in Week 3. It was wonderful to have the opportunity to discuss routines and expectations with you all and I look forward to teaching your children this year. 

Well done for all of your hard work, Room 16! Keep an eye on the blog for future updates.

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