
Showing posts from February, 2020

Week 4 Update

Hello to the families and students of Room 16! We have had a very busy start to Term 1, here are some photographs of what we have been up to. In Mathematics, the students of Room 16 have enjoyed a 'hands on' approach to developing their understanding of key concepts. Recently, we have been looking at place value, expanding numbers, skip counting and identifying the key features of 2D shapes. We are also focusing on mental mathematics and problem solving skills. The students have really enjoyed learning more about how to play Numero and apply mental mathematics skills to the game. A big thank you to Miss Balogh and the Year 6 students from Room 17 for our recent Numero challenge... we look forward to meeting up with you to play again soon! In Literacy, we have been focusing on nouns, adjectives, punctuation and sentence types. We have also been practising the comprehension skill of inferring to gain meaning from a variety of texts. The students have enj...

Talk Homework - Week 4

Summer is better than Winter.

Morning Work

As a class, we will be focusing on arriving to school on time and independent working. Please try to arrive to school for 8:30am, as students complete additional revision in this time. I would also ask that all parents allow students to come into class, set themselves up for the day and complete their morning work without assistance. This will enable your children to build their life skills of independence and resilience. Thank you for your support.


Welcome to Term 1 in Room 16! Our class blog will contain important messages and information about class programs. Please keep an eye out for updates during the year. Thank you.