Welcome back to Term 4! I would thank to thank all of you that have sent donations of lollies and jars for our stall at the Wattle Grove Primary School Student Fete. The students and I are extremely appreciative of your generosity and our stall is almost ready to go! We will be sure to update you on the success of our stall next week. If you would like to make a donation, there is still time as the fete will be on Wednesday next week. This term, we will be focusing on a number of different concepts. In Literacy, we will be revising concepts that we have learned throughout the year and also developing our Persuasive and Narrative writing. In Numeracy, we will be focusing on Statistics and Probability, Length, Volume and Capacity, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. In Science, we will be taking part in some interesting experiments to revise concepts that we have learned throughout the year. In HASS, we will be learning about Civics and Citizenship. Finally, in Health...