
Showing posts from October, 2018

Super Scientist Competition

Earlier this week, students were allocated a day to present their Super Scientist presentation in Week 4. Students are asked to present a short (2 min) report on a scientific topic of their choice. I have created a template that may be used for planning the report, I provided a copy of this to the class this afternoon and students were given some time to research a topic and begin their planning. I have attached a copy of the Super Scientist Report Template  here . The presentation may be in the form of a PowerPoint presentation or a poster, however, the most important aspect is the delivery and explanation of your child’s chosen topic. Best of luck, Room 16! I am very excited to see your presentations!

Term 4 Update

Welcome back to Term 4!   It is going to be a very busy term as we begin our preparation for Year 3. We will be revising topics we have learned throughout the year and there are a number of exciting events happening in the next few weeks.   Every Monday we have dance lessons straight after lunch with Room 14. This may change when swimming begins.   Swimming lessons are scheduled to start later in the term, notes with more information will be sent home soon.   Homework will be sent home every week on Monday and is due on Friday.   The Super Scientist competition for Term 4 is scheduled for Week 4. Students are asked to present a short (2 minute) report on a scientific topic of their choice. More information about Super Scientist will be sent home this week.   The school will be hosting an Arts Festival on Tuesday the 23rd of October from 4:30-6:30pm, it would be wonderful to see students and families there.   If you have any quest...