
Showing posts from September, 2018

End of Term Update

Hello to the families and students of Room 16! First of all, I would like to thank you for the warm welcome into your classroom. It has been wonderful to meet and get to know you all. We have had a very busy past couple of weeks, here are some photos of what we have been up to. In Mathematics, we have been focusing on Money, Fractions and Slides, Flips and Turns. As a class, we have really enjoyed incorporating ‘hands-on’ activities when learning about these topics. A particular favourite was Fraction Bingo, where students rolled a fraction using a pair of dice and identified it on their grid. We have also been very lucky to have two incursions this term. Our visit to the Life Education Van was fantastic and the students learned all about making healthy choices and being a good friend. We also had the First Aid Focus incursion where the students learned about what to do in an emergency. Our trainer, Claire, was very impressed that everyone knew their address...

Merit Certificates

Congratulations to the students who received Merit Certificates during the Junior Assembly in Week 7 and Week 9. You should be very proud of all your hard work!


Welcome to the new blog for Room 16 with Miss Gibbons. We will be posting information and pictures of all the interesting things we learn about here.