
Showing posts from May, 2019

Super Scientist

AIM: To promote interest in Science and develop Scientific understandings, with an oral language focus. WHAT IS IT? A competition from Yr 1- 6, where all students give a 2 minute science based presentation. This presentation can take the form of an experiment.  The experiment does not have to relate to your current science topic. We are looking for the students to not just show us a cool science experiment, but be able to explain the science behind the experiment, and explain it to their audience in an enthusiastic, detailed manner. There are three ‘levels’ to the competition, which will culminate in an overall winning student from each year level, who will then present their demonstration to the whole school, at a special assembly. By the 31st of May, each classroom will determine 1-3 students who are their ’top’ presenters. This means that, over the course of 4-5 days, all students deliver their presentations to the class, and the teacher will assess each p...

Year Level Challenge

Well done Jensen for achieving an outstanding result in the Year Level Challenge. You should be very proud of yourself!

Term 2 Update

Hello to the families and students of Room 16! There are some important dates coming up over the next few weeks. Please take note of the following: NAPLAN testing will take place in weeks 3 and 4. If you would like to do additional practice with your child, you can access the public demonstration site here: Super Scientist presentations will take place in week 5 . More information will be sent home regarding this, however, please make sure your child has an idea of what they would like to present. This week, we have been busy revising Literacy and Numeracy concepts from Term 1. Here are some photographs of what we have been up to. Numero is always a favourite in our class, we make sure we play for ten minutes a few times a week. It is a great way to revise mental mathematics skills while having fun!     We have made great progress with Literacy Pro so far! Keep up the great work, ev...